This survey is recruiting caregivers of children with PWS whose children struggle with play and play skills. Please click the flyer below for more information.
Intervention: Independence in Self-Care
Recruiting for parents of children ages 10-17 years of age for a remote caregiver training intervention. Click the flyer below for more information.
Intervention: ABA Parent-Training Program
We are recruiting parents of children with PWS for a 16-week caregiver training program. Click the flyer below for more information.
Survey: Repetitive Verbal Behavior
This survey is recruiting caregivers of children with PWS whose children engage in repetitively asking questions or making statements. Please click the flyer below for more information.
Survey: Independence in Self-Care
Recruiting for parents of children ages 12-25 years of age for a survey study evaluating difficulties with self-care skills. Click the flyer below for more information.